Course :
Kimia Bahan Alam
Credit : 2 SKS
Lecture : Dr. Syamsurizal, M.Si
day/date : Sabtu, 24 november 2012
Time : 15.30 sd 09.00 ( 26 november 2012 )
Credit : 2 SKS
Lecture : Dr. Syamsurizal, M.Si
day/date : Sabtu, 24 november 2012
Time : 15.30 sd 09.00 ( 26 november 2012 )
1) In general, the compound is a natural material or have a high power biological, I took the theme from the realm of health or medicine that extracts from the leaves of pepper and cayenne pepper plant is normally used only in men, while the leaves stem and roots sporadically in the literature for the determination of bioactive or not for the leaves that the pounds can also be used in medicine for exact humans kemuslihatan.
The use of plants as medicine for the content bioactive, if there then crops can not be used as a medicine.
For more information and quote an examination of the content of metabolites in the leaves, cayenne pepper, that obtained the result:
1. Alkaloids
Tests on pepper leaves do not form a precipitate with the reagent or mayer, wagner dragendoff and reagents, as otherwise alkaloids in the leaves of pepper.
2. Flavonoids
Cayenne pepper on the leaves that were cut and extracted results more concentrated HCl and Mg powder, no change in color from pink / red or yellow so that the hot pepper leaves no flavonoids.
3. Steroids and terpenoids
Chili leaves contain steroids which are marked with blue color formed after the addition of sulfuric acid and terpenoids adnya.
4. Saponin
Wet leaves and crushed red pepper daitambah distilled water, heated and expanded results pengocokannya remain for 5 minutes, indicates the leaves saponins adnya pounds.
(Plants Atlas Drugs Ind. / Dr. Setaiwan Dalimartha / Hd)
Chili leaves containing secondary metabolites of steroids and saponins. For the leaves of pepper can be used as medicine or herbal plants, including though not all metabolites (flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, terpenoids, and saponins) that contain, but it still contained other metabolites,
The fruit contains capsaicin, carotenoids, alkaloids, volatile, resins, oils evaporate, vitamin A and C. Capsaicin gives chili peppers taste the blood flow and skin nourishing paralyzing.
The seeds contain solanine, solamidine, solamargine, solasodine, solasomine and steroidal saponins (kapsisidin). Kapsisidin effective as spicy on language stimulation causes the brain to release endofin to relieve pain and induce a feeling healthy antibiotik.Rasa.
The results of a recent study, red pepper can reduce the risk of blood clots (thrombosis), lower cholesterol levels, reducing the production of cholesterol and triglycerides in the liver.
When playing sisitem, the nature of the pepper can relieve tension and pain due to poor blood circulation. Furthermore, the content of which is high in antioxidants (such as vitamim C and beta-carotene), cayenne pepper can be used to overcome infertility (infertility), aphrodisiac and slow down the aging process.
22) Explain how the idea of a compound of natural ingredients that have a high biological potency and potential for the benefit of sentient beings can be synthesized in the laboratory.
Lempuyang elephant (Zingiber zerumbet) is one of numerous plants used in traditional medicine or a mixture of herbal. Rhizome has a rather bitter taste and has a specific smell. Traditionally, Lempuyang elephants used as stomach pain, asthma, dysentery, worm medicine, medicine for diarrhea, and carminative (MOH, 1989;. Hanapi et al, 2001). The results Suganda and Ozaki (1995), this plant also has potential as an analgesic. Using these plants are usually limited to the traditional production but the ethanol extract at a dose of 3 g / kg of weight has demonstrated the ability to reduce the amount of pain response in mice with acetic acid induced pain. Most of curcuminoids family Zingiberaceae containing compounds which has many advantages such as anti-cancer. Curcumin as one of the supporters of compound curcuminoids has been used, among others, as anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor (Masuda and Jitoe, 1994). Essential oil content of approximately 0.82% for the support components, as zerumbon, ά-pinene, ά-kariofilen, camphor, sineol 1.8, ά humulen, kariofilen oxides and epoxides humulen sinamaldehid (Hanafi et al, 2001;. Tewtakui et al., 1997). Other compounds which have been isolated from elephant Lempuyang of zerumbon is 4 "-O asetilafzelin, germakron-4-5-epoxide and zerumbetenon. Adding, compounds zerumbon and 3", 4 ", O-diasetil afzenil isolated from aromaticum or Lempuyang fragrant (Dai et al., 1997).
3) Criteria for selection of the solvent:
- Solvents dissolve easily extracted material
- The solvent is mixed with the juice extracted
- Impurities extracted with solvents that there are little or no
- Solvent easily separated from the solute
- The solvent does not react with the solute through any means
- Having a boiling point sufficiently low as to be easily evaporate
- Easily obtained
- The polarity of the material must be the same polarity of the solvent so that the material can be dissolved in the solvent used.
- Polar solvents will dissolve substances polar and non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar substances
1. Terpenoid compounds using solvents n-hexane and methanol
2. Steroidal compounds using non-polar solvents, sulfuric acid, and methanol
3. Flavonoid compounds using ethanol and acetone
4. Alkaloid compounds that use molecules of ethanol and water are intentionally acidify
4) The pattern of absorption spectra yield vibrational fingerprints of all constituents present in cells, such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and a variety of secondary metabolites (Naumann 1998). Patterns like this are usually found or the FTIR spectrum tempuyung with Numbers wave (cm-1)
The use of not only the entire data tempuyung IR absorbance spectrum, PCApun analysis was also conducted on the spectrum in the range of wave numbers, whether the original spectrum and the spectrum of the preliminary process. Segmentation is done to see where the key constituencies that have a significant role in the analysis kemometrik.
IR spectra Picture tempuyung results
PCA analysis results said to be good if the number of main components are a little able to describe the total variation.